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❗22. 8. 2021 (L) Přecházíme zpět na doménu!
❗04.11.2016 (Jel.) Čtete, prosím, před vložení dotazu, děkuji!
❗23.10.2013 (Jel.) Zkuste před zadáním dotazu použít některý z online-nástrojů, konzultovat použití můžete v sekci CAS.
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Stránky: 1
Let . Where .
If . Then
Firstly, we must realize that is not constant. But , so therefore any finite sum is smaller than 1. For sure, there is such that . Since , then also for any sequence , so specially for a sequence . Therefore . Analogically, we can show that there exists such that . So our function is not a constant one. EDIT: A constant function would degenerate the following...
Futher (an extension via the induction): a linear combination
is equal to
, so also to
, so also to
(for suitable constants)
mentioned e.g. here (in Czech), so your whole function is nothing more than for suitable constants and , where is nonzero because of the previous paragraph. Therefore your is an integral multiple of , since there is -- in the end -- nothing more than one single cosinus.
A remark: We used strongly a fact how was used in all the arguments. A general counter-example:
Minimal periods:
Stránky: 1