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Stránky: 1
Prove That the equation has all Real roots.
↑ stuart clark:
It has to be said from what number set the values a-h,k,A-H are, I suppose they are real numbers, aren't?
thanks Paul for Nice solution.
and check_drummer you are saying Right.
Let's use instead of A,B,C, ..., and let's use instead of a,b,c, ... .
Then we are looking for zeroes of a function . As Pavel has remarked, all the possible roots are also roots of some polynomial with real coefficients, so all its roots are realized within complex numbers.
So what is ? The imaginary part clearly is , so the sum cannot be zero (EDIT: if at least one of A_i and one of a_i are nonzero which is a natural assumption), and since we are looking for , we have n=0, so therefore only real roots.
Stránky: 1